Monday, June 12, 2006

The next best thing to fruits and vegetables

This morning, I decided to see if the web address "" was already occupied. I expected to find it already taken by one of those companies who speculate in domain names, but no, I find... a vitamin company.

"But as much as it’s preached, most people still don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables every day. That’s why there’s Juice Plus+®."

Well, I'm glad there is already a solution to the problem of poor diet! Actually, I feel very lucky to be a small part of a more suitable solution, supporting people in eating more fruits and vegetables. I educate them about the amazing possibilities even a small yard possesses in terms of food production. Then, I redesign their spaces to offer forth delicious organic goodness and offer as much guidance as they need to reap the benefits.

The motivation for my business is not some holier-than-thou crusade to force people to eat healthier diets. I do it because I love to eat and to garden. I do it because I love feeling love for my food, and I would like to spread that joy. Food is life. It is meant to be a main event, not something we ingest in the form of a pill. We have evolved over the ages to value food as the life-enabling gift of the universe. I feel truly thankful that I can take part in the process.


Blogger Tracy said...

I'll be checking in for more fruity wisdom!

8:35 PM  
Blogger J said...

I love that you're so enthusiastic about this. And you know what bugs me? The commercials for the nutrient rich fake milk stuff for kids...Pediasure or something like that. Because people can't get their kids to eat right, they fill them up with the equivalent of your 'next beset thing' here. Any chance these kids will outgrow their pickiness and learn to love a variety of healthy foods? I'm guessing no, I'm guessing they'll grow up eating only fast food, and popping pills to prevent malnutrition.

You're definately on the right track.

Now, are you going to alter your blog to include guitar talk? ;)

6:43 PM  

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